Following the example of the Society Rooms of the late 1600s and the Clapham Circle of the early 1800s, Q Society Rooms are designed to gather your small group of leaders to dialogue, learn, and work together to explore how to express the Christian faith in a post-Christian culture. A Participants Book, Leaders DVD and Guide, and a group project complete the Q Society experience, which will challenge your and every other participants innermost beliefs and pre-conceived ideas about life, faith, the world, and cultural responsibility. In Where You Live Matters: Developing a Vision for Your City, host Gabe Lyons and DVD presenters Timothy Keller and Joel Kotkin pose a fundamental lifestyle question to you as a modern Christian: Could it be that where and how you live is dramatically shaped by your own visions and dreams for your life? Lyons and Herbst then help you and the group explorethrough short articles by noted authors, transcripts from Q Talks (included in the Leaders DVD and Guide), five meetings to discuss important topics related to the overall theme, and thought-provoking questionsa biblical perspective on where you live and where you worship. Where You Live Matters: Developing a Vision for Your City group meetings include: Group Meeting One Video: Tim Keller | Grace of the City Group Meeting Two Essay: Mel McGowan | Saving Suburbia: From the Garden to the City Group Meeting Three Video: Joel Kotkin | The Future of the Suburbs Group Meeting Four Video: Tim Keller | Grace in and for the City Group Meeting Five Group Project and Discussion