Wrapped around a captivating parable, this book is designed to get the reader to use their mind in new ways. The story of the young
man who was lost at birth and raised by someone other than his own parents provides a striking parallel to the life in which we all find
ourselves. The young man learns to think in ways much like the ones who raised him. How can this way of thinking ever help him to get
back to living the life for which he was intended?
Combining this ongoing parable with real-life stories, illustrations, and clearly presented concepts gives the reader multiple ways to
engage the truths offered in this book. If you have any desire at all to live a life beyond your current experience, this book will illuminate
the common obstacles on the pathway to freedom. More important, beyond just recognizing obstacles, in these pages, you will find
keys, ways to think and steps to take that will give you back the life for which you were created.
In a thoughtfully developed progression, Bob Hamp helps us Think Differently in such a way that you cannot help but begin to Live
Differently. Thinking differently about spiritual growth, transformation, and your present circumstances will open your eyes to see how to
walk into the life you always wanted.