A freshand perhaps controversiallook at Jesus by one of Britains most respected Christian authors. Who is the real Jesus? Do we remake him in our own image and then wonder why our spirituality is less than life-changing and exciting? Steve Chalkea high-profile visionary in the United Kingdom and an evangelical recognized not only by Christians but by the general public as wellbelieves that the real Jesus is deeply challenging. And each new generation must grapple with the question of who he is, because only through a constant study of Jesus are we able to discover God himself. The Lost Message of Jesus is written to stir thoughtful debate and pose fresh questions that will help create a deeper understanding of Jesus and his message. It is an encounter with the real Jesus of his worldnot the Jesus we try to mold to ours. Themes include: The Kingdom of Godshalomis available to everyone now, through Jesus The world outside your own church needs to hear of the depth of Gods love and suffering Jesus was a radical and a revolutionary! Jesus offers immediate forgiveness, without cost, to anyone Jesus shows us repentance isnt a guilt-laden list of dos and donts, but an inspirational vision of a new way to live Focusing on some of the key episodes, events, and issues of Jesus life, we will see how too often the message we preach today has been influenced more by the culture we live in than the radical, life-changing, world-shaping message Jesus shared two thousand years ago.