Put your knowledge of the Bible to the test with more than 1,260 questions in 135 categories. Who had the first fight in the Bible? Who asked, "Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old?" How many demons did Jesus drive out of Mary Magdalene? Drawn from the Old and New Testaments, the questions range from basic to expert level and include multiple choice, true or false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank. Designed to be entertaining as well as informative, this light-hearted collection covers the people and events central to the Bible's stories, as well as such curious categories as sports trivia in the Bible, Going to the Movies, and Not-So-Happy Couples. Locate geographical features, identify speakers of famous last words, name biblical prisoners, choose the correct meaning of biblical names, and more.
Answers: Cain and Abel, Abraham, seven.