The Devotional Daily Bible
365 Daily Scripture Readings with Devotional Insights
Make the most of your valuable devotional time with The Devotional Daily Bible, featuring the entire text of the Bible arranged in 365 bite-sized sections designed for daily 15-minute readings. Each day you will experience a balanced blend of scripture from the Old Testament, Psalms, Proverbs, and the New Testament, as well as a devotional thought to conclude each day. The Devotional Daily Bible is organized to be read from front to back like any other book—there’s no complicated reading chart to follow. Just pick it up, start to read, and experience manageable and rewarding devotional time every day.
· Trusted text of the New King James Version® conveniently divided into daily readings
· Daily devotionals and memory verses for meditation and focus
· A Guide to Bible Verses on Today's Important Concerns
· Text Size Point 9