Living in Two Worlds: On Being a Social Chameleon with Asperger’s

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Emmons, Dylan
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Singing Dragon
Living in Two Worlds: On Being a Social Chameleon with Asperger’s - ISBN: 9781785927065
Dylan Emmons has always lived his life in two worlds. Diagnosed with Asperger's at the age of six, his school days were spent struggling to overcome the sensory and social hurdles that made fitting in with his classmates in the 'real world' so hard. An aspiring social chameleon, he attempted to blend in, despite his hidden other world of Asperger's. This book tells the story of his attempt, with the hindsight gained in adult life that it is better to spend energy learning to be happy, than learning to be 'normal'. By describing the two conflicting worlds of his childhood, Dylan Emmons reveals the reasons behind the actions, mood swings and awkwardness of children on the autism spectrum that can often appear mysterious and unprovoked to neurotypical family members, friends, teachers and professionals.