Fourteen-year-old Elvira Witsil lives in a remote area of Wisconsin with her mother, Connie, who acknowledges Elvira only when chores need doing; her grandma, a cantankerous woman who cant hold her tongue; and her baby sister, Jessie who, the family discovers, is a seer.
Along with the burdens of a difficult family, Elvira also bears a daunting secret she encouraged her father to enlist in WWII. Ever since he was declared missing in action, Elvira has felt responsible for his presumed death.
But Jessie also carries a secret about the father she never met a secret so powerful that when her mother, Connie, learns of it, she sends the family on a journey to California with a traveling preacher.
This powerful teen manuscript tells the story of a familys journey toward forgiveness and a young womans journey toward faith