Harvard Square is at the center of Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is the business district around Harvard University. Its a place of history, culture, and some of the most momentous events of the nation. But its also a gathering place for some of the citys homeless.
What is life like for the homeless in Harvard Square? Do they have anything to tell people about life? And God?
Thats what Harvard student John Frame discovered and shares in Homeless at Harvard. While taking his final course at Harvard, John Frame stepped outside the walls of academia and onto the streets, pursuing a different kind of education with his homeless friends.
What he foundin the way of community and how people understand themselves---may surprise you.
In this unique book, each of these urban pioneers shares his own story, providing insider perspectives of life as homeless people see it. This heartwarming page-turner shows how John learned with, from, and about his homeless friendswho together tell an unforgettable storyhelping readers better understand problems outside themselves and that theyre more similar to those on the streets than they may have believed.