In God's Eye View Workbook, Tommy Tenney leads readers on an exploration to their heavenly Father's heart. They will see how worship can lift them higher for a God's eye view of things as they seek the face of God, and then they can begin to see the trouble they face from God's perspective instead of being trapped in an earthly, time-bound viewpoint. The higher we go, the smaller our problems seem. Each chapter of God's Eye View Workbook is designed to provoke thought and encourage personal application of the Bible truths and principles contained in God's Eye View. Tenney writes, "Remember that God's Eye View Workbook is a tool to help you draw closer to God and grow deeper in your Christian faith. It is not a race, so your goal should not be to 'rush to the finish line first.' Spread your wings in praise and worship and 'mount up with wings like an eagle.'"