You may not like it that students forgot your talk on temptation, but remembered your mouse-trap object lesson . . .
. . . but the fact remains that nothing brings a lesson to life more vividly and concretely--or wakes up a drowsy Sunday school class faster--than a good object lesson. In Everyday Object Lessons for Youth Groups the authors (who are youth workers and teachers of youth workers) pool their most effective 45 object lessons into a collection thats perfect for both junior and senior high youth groups.
Here are no-prep and low-prep object lessons for devotionals, Sunday school lessons, talks at camps and retreats--even for sermons. Inside youll find object lessons about--
Beauty (using a kiwi fruit)
Regret (a mirror)
Divine protection (sun block)
Anger (Alka-Seltzer and 7-Up)
The power of words (Popsicle sticks)
Priorities (manure)
Confession (hydrogen peroxide)
Temptation (a mousetrap)
The person of Jesus (keys)
Conformity (Play-Doh)
Endurance (bricks)
--and 34 more quirky and attention-getting object lessons. Use them to open your lessons . . . to dramatize your talks . . . to close your Bible studies with a demonstration. However you use them, you have Bible references and provocative discussion-starting questions with each object lesson to help you take it in any direction you want. And with both a topical and a scriptural index, you can find the perfect object lesson fast.