This is a concise, pocket sized English to Lao and Lao to English DictionaryPrior to the compilation of the original edition of this dictionary in 1966, the most comprehensive English to Lao dictionary was the LAA (Lao-American Association) Dictionary. At that time, no dictionary was available for the Lao language. Now, a great deal of time has passed since the first Tuttle edition of the English-Lao, Lao-English Diciontary was published in 1970. During that time, the dictionary has become the basic communication tool between Lao people and English speakers all over the world. It is a handy volume with many user aids such as romanized equivalents of Lao script, tone numbers indicating the tone of each syllable, vocabulary selected on the basis of frequency of use, and guidance on how to look up words both in the Lao and English alphabetized lists for those encountering either language for the first time. Having been completely revised, this language tool is all the more essential for those wishing to translate or learn Lao.