Big Girls Don't Whine

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Number of Pages:
Silvious, Jan
Publication Date:
Thomas Nelson
Big Girls Don't Whine - ISBN: 9780849944413

No one wants to be labeled a whiner, but many of us go through life with a "poor me," victim mentality that sounds a whole lot like whining. God never intended for us to act like "little girls," says Jan Silvious. His goal is for each of us to live as "big girls"-mature Christian women-who are capable of enjoying the richness of life He has planned.

In Big Girls Don't Whine, Jan helps women:

  • Move beyond the past and on to healthy relationships, 
  • Choose to be proactive rather than let life just "happen,"
  • Discover their full potential,
  • And become everything He made them to be.

So how can we tell if we're living life as an immature 'little girl" or a confident "big girl?"

A little girl…

  • Is insecure
  • Becomes the victim of circumstances
  • Says "I can't"
  • Manipulates

A big girl…

  • Is secure
  • Rests in God's sovereignty
  • Says, "I can"
  • Communicates

In Big Girls Don't Whine, Jan Silvious calls us to be real women in a real world, free to experience a life of full of potential and vision. This book is the how-to manual for making it happen.