51 Creative Ideas for Marriage Mentorsoffers an idea box of activities and innovative ways to deepen relationships between mentoring couples. It can be
used in any of the three areas of the marriage mentoring triad:
Preparingmentoring engaged and newlywed couples
Maximizingmentoring couples from good to great
Restoringmentoring couples in distress
Creative ideas for marriage mentors are grouped into these three areas. There is also an entire section of ideas appropriate for mentoring any couple. With activities that vary from quickly implemented suggestions to more involved interactions, this easy-to-use reference will help alleviate the stress of couples overwhelmed by mentoring
and take experienced mentors to a whole new level.
Designed to work on its own or in tandem with the Parrotts other marriage mentoring resources, 51Creative Ideas for Marriage Mentors will inspire fresh
ideas, increase a sense of vision for the marriage mentoring process, and build the confidence of all marriage mentors, regardless of age or stage.